Action Benefits

3 min read

Miss your AEP deadline? You might have another chance

After buckling down and getting into the nitty gritty, you did it. You decided on a new Medicare Advantage plan. You checked your formularies. You put those copays head-to-head. You are ready, Freddy. Now all you have to do is pick up the phone and...

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If you've ever found Medicare confusing, you’re not alone. There's plenty of misconceptions about the program. We'll help you make more informed decisions.

3 min read

Five things you're (probably) getting wrong about Medicare

If you’ve ever scratched your head while trying to figure out the Medicare maze, you’re not alone. A recent survey tells us there are plenty of...

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Some Medicare recipients may encounter unexpected costs associated with their coverage, like the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA).

2 min read

What Medicare Consumers Need to Know about IRMAA

Medicare is a valuable resource providing essential healthcare coverage for millions of Americans aged 65 and older. However, some Medicare...

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2 min read

Can Medicare Advantage enrollees save money seeing an out-of-network doctor?

Conventional wisdom tells us it’s beneficial to select a Medicare Advantage plan that each of your doctors participates in. Depending on your plan,...

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There is a lot of misleading Medicare marketing out there -- and much of it is encouraging you to make a plan change. Do you have to? In short, not always.

1 min read

Don’t make knee-jerk decisions about your Medicare coverage

There is a lot of misleading Medicare marketing out there. Jimmie Walker or Joe Namath may be promising extraordinary benefits. Other...

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2 min read

Who can I trust when shopping for Medicare this AEP?

I am new to Medicare and I have been getting contacted like crazy. I’m not sure who to trust, but I also don’t want to miss my opportunity to sign...

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2 min read

How your Medicare vaccines are covered this flu season

Runny noses and itchy throats. Coughs and fevers. Orange juice and daytime TV. Flu season is right around the corner, leaving us clamoring to store...

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4 min read

CMS releases Medicare Parts A & B premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts for 2024

Each year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updates cost-sharing requirements for the various parts of Medicare. On October 12,...

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It’s not always easy to understand the four key payments you'll make under your insurance policy: premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.

3 min read

What's the difference between a deductible, copay, and coinsurance?

Health insurance is helpful in helping you access needed medical care. But, it’s not always easy to understand the variety of payments you might be...

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1/3 of divorces happen after age 50. 1/4 happen after 60. What should recent or future divorcees know about their health coverage? Five options inside.

3 min read

1/3 of divorces happen after age 50. What do divorcees need to know about health insurance?

For a variety of reasons, older Americans may choose to divorce. While there are several considerations that the now-ex-partners should be aware of,...

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