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Don’t make knee-jerk decisions about your Medicare coverage

Don’t make knee-jerk decisions about your Medicare coverage

There is a lot of misleading Medicare marketing out there. Jimmie Walker or Joe Namath may be promising extraordinary benefits. Other pseudo-celebrities and advertisers are in your ear, mailbox, or TV about how you must change your plan to take advantage of new offerings. What’s a Medicare enrollee to do?

Sometimes, it’s best to do nothing.

That’s right.


If you’re satisfied with your current coverage, your doctors are remaining in-network, and there’s no health or income changes impacting the affordability of your Medicare plan and health care – it’s perfectly okay to stay right where you are. As long as you remain eligible for your Medicare plan and pay any required premium, your plan is guaranteed renewable. They can’t kick you out. The only time you may have to make a plan change is when your carrier informs you they are closing the plan for one reason or another.

All of that said, you should always take time each year to check in with a licensed professional. Although you might be satisfied with your core medical coverage, it could be appropriate to examine additional benefits. Hospital stays get more likely as you age, and this is one area where your Medicare plan could probably use some shoring up. Short-term care and cancer policies might also be worth revisiting – even on a Medicare Supplement policy, you could see out-of-pocket costs over $5,000 per year in both direct and indirect treatment expenses. Should the worst occur, we’re pretty sure you’d like to spend your money elsewhere.

Our team offers no-cost benefit reviews throughout the year. Medicare regulations and carrier rules might limit what options you have at any given time. But know this: keeping a plan you’re satisfied with is almost always an option. And, trustworthy insurance professionals shouldn’t be telling you otherwise

Contact us to schedule your no-cost consultation. 

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