A Healthcare Blog

2 min read

Selling consumer data is old news with a new Medicare rule

Every year, the body governing Medicare in the United States, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), reviews the rules surrounding how you interact with Medicare. They add new rules to the game and clarify already existing ones. This...

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2 min read

You can never add benefits to your Medicare Advantage plan. You can only change plans.

It’s too enticing. Some nice young stranger calls you up and asks if you’d like to add benefits to your Medicare Advantage coverage. Of course you...

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1 min read

Changes finalized to short-term "junk" healthcare plans

Debuted in the summer of 2023, the Biden administration has finalized plans to reign in short-term health insurance plans. What can we expect to see...

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4 min read

Should we stay or should Wegovy? A weight loss drug primer

Three out of ten working adults are obese, and another third are overweight. About 42% of adults over 60 are obese. It is the most common chronic...

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2 min read

Stagger your Part D payments with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan

Last year, CMS announced a new program to spread Part D prescription drug out-of-pocket costs over the whole year. Costs hitting you all at once at...

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Three boys exploring

4 min read

Navigating Special Needs Health Plans: A Comprehensive Guide

Back in 2003, the government spotted a group of beneficiaries who needed more coverage than was available at that time. Special Needs Plans, or SNPs,...

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2 min read

D is for drugs: Understanding Medicare's Part D prescription drug option

Medicare Part D is complex, but you literally can't afford not to understand it. Mastering the nuances of Medicare Part D can shield you from late...

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Diverse people playing game guess who and having fun at home

2 min read

Choosing a health insurance agent doesn’t have to be a guessing game

How can you choose a health insurance agent that will get you the best-fitting coverage? With the myriad of options available, it can be...

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A boy using a metal detector to find loose change.

2 min read

How do families limit out-of-pocket Marketplace spending?

$9,450 for an individual, $18,200 for families. In 2024, these are the highest allowable out-of-pocket maximums on healthcare.gov. On many Bronze...

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2 min read

Squeezing the tube from the middle: why Part B givebacks aren’t always a great fit

Come fall, you’ll be inundated with ads for Medicare Advantage plans, each offering bigger and better benefits than the last. One of the latest...

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