A Healthcare Blog

Medicare (2)

2 min read

Stagger your Part D payments with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan

Last year, CMS announced a new program to spread Part D prescription drug out-of-pocket costs over the whole year. Costs hitting you all at once at...

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Three boys exploring

4 min read

Navigating Special Needs Health Plans: A Comprehensive Guide

Back in 2003, the government spotted a group of beneficiaries who needed more coverage than was available at that time. Special Needs Plans, or SNPs,...

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2 min read

D is for drugs: Understanding Medicare's Part D prescription drug option

Medicare Part D is complex, but you literally can't afford not to understand it. Mastering the nuances of Medicare Part D can shield you from late...

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Diverse people playing game guess who and having fun at home

2 min read

Choosing a health insurance agent doesn’t have to be a guessing game

How can you choose a health insurance agent that will get you the best-fitting coverage? With the myriad of options available, it can be...

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2 min read

Squeezing the tube from the middle: why Part B givebacks aren’t always a great fit

Come fall, you’ll be inundated with ads for Medicare Advantage plans, each offering bigger and better benefits than the last. One of the latest...

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3 min read

Miss your AEP deadline? You might have another chance

After buckling down and getting into the nitty gritty, you did it. You decided on a new Medicare Advantage plan. You checked your formularies. You...

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If you've ever found Medicare confusing, you’re not alone. There's plenty of misconceptions about the program. We'll help you make more informed decisions.

3 min read

Five things you're (probably) getting wrong about Medicare

If you’ve ever scratched your head while trying to figure out the Medicare maze, you’re not alone. A recent survey tells us there are plenty of...

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Some Medicare recipients may encounter unexpected costs associated with their coverage, like the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA).

2 min read

What Medicare Consumers Need to Know about IRMAA

Medicare is a valuable resource providing essential healthcare coverage for millions of Americans aged 65 and older. However, some Medicare...

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2 min read

Can Medicare Advantage enrollees save money seeing an out-of-network doctor?

Conventional wisdom tells us it’s beneficial to select a Medicare Advantage plan that each of your doctors participates in. Depending on your plan,...

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There is a lot of misleading Medicare marketing out there -- and much of it is encouraging you to make a plan change. Do you have to? In short, not always.

1 min read

Don’t make knee-jerk decisions about your Medicare coverage

There is a lot of misleading Medicare marketing out there. Jimmie Walker or Joe Namath may be promising extraordinary benefits. Other...

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